© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis ‘Huntington Stinker’ AM/AOS 85 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
5.0 cm |
Vertical: |
9.6 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
5.0 cm |
Length: |
6.2 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.0 cm |
Length: |
2.5 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
3.0 cm |
Length: |
8.5 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
1.0 cm |
Length: |
1.2 cm |
Description: Forty flowers gracefully displayed on two well presented, pendulous inflorescences on an impressive plant with large pseudobulbs and 98.0 cm long leaves; dorsal sepal black-maroon, reverse red, speckled yellow, papillate basally becoming papillose-hisped apically; lateral sepals fused, black-maroon, reverse dark red, speckled yellow, papillate basally becoming papillose-hisped distally; petals spotted red; lip solid red; substance very firm; texture matte except as previously noted.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Phalaenopsis Princess Kaiulani fma. coerulea ‘Sapphire's Grape’ JC/AOS
(Phal. violacea x Phal. amboinensis)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
5.5 cm |
Vertical: |
5.4 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
1.8 cm |
Length: |
3.0 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.6 cm |
Length: |
2.9 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
1.8 cm |
Length: |
3.3 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
0.8 cm |
Length: |
2.5 cm |
Description: Four uniquely colored flowers, on pollinated flower, and three buds on four inflorescences; sepals and petals brown, white basally, overlaid coerulea, darker proximally, almost metallic, tessellated dark purple, white specs showing through centrally; lip white, side lobes overlaid yellow, midlobe overlaid dark purple; column white blushed light purple; substance hard; texture matte, lip waxy; commended for unique coerulea form of the flowers.
Exhibitor: Robert Shepherd |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Braemia vittata ‘Huntington's Chocolate’ HCC/AOS 78 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
5.0 cm |
Vertical: |
2.8 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
0.4 cm |
Length: |
3.2 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
0.4 cm |
Length: |
2.8 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
0.2 cm |
Length: |
2.5 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
0.7 cm |
Length: |
1.5 cm |
Description: Fifty-three flowers on two erect inflorescences; sepals and petals deep red-brown, very well defined gold margins; lip green-gold veined red-brown; column green, one red-brown stripe on central dorsal apex, one red-brown spot on each column wing; substance medium; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum Shin-Yi Dragon ‘Huntington's Fairy Tale’ AM/AOS 83 pts.
(Paph. Berenice x Paph. Prince Edward of York)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
18.0 cm |
Vertical: |
16.3 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
3.9 cm |
Length: |
5.3 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.0 cm |
Length: |
15.0 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
3.8 cm |
Length: |
6.0 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
2.5 cm |
Length: |
6.0 cm |
Description: Eight well balanced flowers on two 67.0-cm erect inflorescences; dorsal sepal light green heavily veined burgundy; synsepal light green, lightly veined burgundy; petals light green, spotted marginally and blotched on proximal one-eighth burgundy; distal seven-eighths burgundy; pouch light green suffused burgundy; staminode light green, hirsute dark burgundy marginally; substance firm; texture glossy.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum kolopakingii ‘Huntington's Sceptre’ AM/AOS 81 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
14.0 cm |
Vertical: |
9.0 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
3.0 cm |
Length: |
6.5 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
0.9 cm |
Length: |
10.4 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
3.8 cm |
Length: |
7.0 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
1.5 cm |
Length: |
5.5 cm |
Description: Nine flowers and seven buds on two erect inflorescences; sepals cream, veined mahogany, blushed mahogany centrally; petals chartreuse striped and spotted mahogany, blushed mahogany on reverse; pouch cream, blushed red-brown, veined darker red-brown; staminode cream, tan ciliate; substance firm; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum rothschildianum ‘Huntington's Best’ CCM/AOS 84 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
23.6 cm |
Vertical: |
12.8 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
4.7 cm |
Length: |
7.1 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.3 cm |
Length: |
13.1 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
3.9 cm |
Length: |
6.7 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
2.6 cm |
Length: |
6.6 cm |
Description: Fifteen flowers on four mature 75.0-cm inflorescences and three buds on one immature inflorescence on a well grown 87.0 cm diameter plant of one immature and eight mature growths in a 26 cm pot; base color light green; sepals and petals veined maroon; pouch brushed maroon veined darker maroon; staminode cream, margin hirsute; substance average; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum rothschildianum ‘Huntington's Eagle’ CCM/AOS 85 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
26.0 cm |
Vertical: |
12.5 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
6.0 cm |
Length: |
7.5 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.8 cm |
Length: |
15.1 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
5.8 cm |
Length: |
7.8 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
2.7 cm |
Length: |
7.2 cm |
Description: Twelve commanding flowers on three strong inflorescences, beautifully displayed on a robust, eleven growth plant, 80.0-cm diameter, grown in a 25.0-cm plastic pot; leaves somewhat marred; sepals cream distinctly veined mahogany; petals cream, spotted mahogany proximally, veined mahogany distally; pouch cream, veined dark red-brown, brushed red-brown , darker among veins; staminode gold, margins ciliate, brown; substance firm; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum Shin-Yi Dragon ‘Huntington's Fire’ AM/AOS 86 pts.
(Paph. Berenice x Paph. Prince Edward of York)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
10.5 cm |
Vertical: |
26.0 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
5.0 cm |
Length: |
6.5 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.3 cm |
Length: |
20.0 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
3.8 cm |
Length: |
6.0 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
3.1 cm |
Length: |
6.5 cm |
Description: Three flowers and one bud on one 80.0-cm arched inflorescence; sepals light green, veined burgundy; petals light green, spotted burgundy proximally, overlaid dark burgundy distally; pouch light green suffused light burgundy; staminode white, heavily tessellated green, margin hirsute, burgundy; substance firm; texture waxy.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Stanhopea pulla ‘Huntington's Sunrise’ CHM/AOS 83 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
5.0 cm |
Vertical: |
4.8 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
2.5 cm |
Length: |
2.8 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.1 cm |
Length: |
2.5 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
3.4 cm |
Length: |
3.0 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
2.0 cm |
Length: |
2.0 cm |
Description: Two flowers on one inflorescence and five immature inflorescences displayed on a plant 100.0-cm in diameter, growing in a 23.0-cm net pot; 2.5-cm wide by 3.5-cm tall, black pseudobulbs, ovoid, narrowing distally, slightly compressed laterally, enveloped with three to four papery bracts, forming a dense clump of growths; one eliptic-laceolate leaf, prominently placate, originating from the apex of the pseudobulb 11.0 cm wide and up to 68.0 cm long; dorsal sepal porrect, strongly cupped, light yellow becoming lighter distally; lateral sepals porrect, cupped, light yellow; petals orange-yellow, strongly reflexed, lighter distally; hypochile disk shaped, orange-yellow, midlobe dark oxblood centrally and on edge of erect side margins; column white blushed light green, anther cap white; substance thick; texture waxy; ovary cream, speckled brown; dry light tan bracts encasing stem and ovary; pending SITF Verification; Fragrance strongly pharmaceutical.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
 Rustic Canyon HCC 76 pts. 20152022 IMG_2860_DxO 4 s.jpg)
© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Cyrtochilum N.R. ‘Rustic Canyon’ HCC/AOS 76 pts.
(Cyr. Rustic Sunset x Cyr. Rustic Coppertone)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
5.5 cm |
Vertical: |
5.9 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
2.0 cm |
Length: |
3.0 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.8 cm |
Length: |
2.8 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
1.7 cm |
Length: |
3.8 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
1.5 cm |
Length: |
3.0 cm |
Description: Nineteen fairly flat, well formed flowers and two buds on one rambling, branched inflorescence; sepals spathulate, reflexed apically and marginally medium brown, lighter medially; petals spathulate medium brown, lighter medially margins undulate; lip brown-purple, darker marginally, callus yellow; substance medium; column brown-purple, anther cap yellow overlaid light brown; texture semi-glossy. (Cyr. Rustic Sunset x Cyr. Rustic Coppertone)
Exhibitor: Howard Liebman |